Some years ago, before I knew how to code I remember what prompted me on the path was this desire to make an app that had a full text search feature (mainly for an NGO I was working for). At the time I had no idea how to do it but I knew I would need more than HTML and CSS, hence my coding journey began. At the outset, I thought I would have to know the language so well in order to literally make a search engine from scratch, I mean like making binary trees!
However, to my good fortune, I learned it's not at all complicated. Using NPM which is basically a bag of tools that add "special powers" to websites, I found a multitude of options that could get the job done. And so without further ado, let us explore just how easy it is to add custom search using Lunrjs. The good news is that once you know one, you know them all (for the most part). Why? Because a good majority of them (Mini Search, Elastic Search ), work the same way (at least the client-side ones do). Let's Begin!
“Lunrjs - Designed to be small, yet full featured, Lunr enables you to provide a great search experience without the need for external, server-side, search services.”
For this tutorial we will use Visual Studio and Node so make sure you have them installed. First let's open Visual Studio Code and designate a folder for the project to live in. Here we want to open our terminal and run these commands to install the libraries we will need for the project. Type this -->npm install lunr webpack webpack-cli<-- into the terminal and then hit enter. Great! Now I am going to use a list of Movies as the data to be searched. You of course can make your own list or copy what I have here below.
Now the fun part. Let's import the Lunr module using require. And then build our index by using this function here.
const lunr = require('lunr');
const index = lunr(function () {
documents.forEach(function (doc) {
}, this)
This function is where the magic happens, basically it takes the
movie data we made and procceses it to produce an
object which contains maps between the content and the title, so
that when we use the search function it provides
("japanese")), it will return the references that
match the query we give it. Hence the snippet
is basically where we the title as the reference of the content.
In other words whatever we assign to
will be returned to us by the index object if there is a match
to it's contents when we make a query. And so in this instance,
gets assigned the "title" key. Becuase logically the title
should be the point of reference for the content to be searched.
Next, the snippet
gets assigned the words to be searched. And so in this instance
that would be the "text" key of our movie data. And so for
example, if we search "japenese", it'll return an array carrying
these two movie titles "Akira" and "The Creator". Why? Because
in the movie data the text value for these two movies contain
the word "japanese". I hope you get what I'm dishing!
Finally we output the data to html with some basic js. And voila we are done.
results.forEach(item => {
const d = document.createElement("div") = "display:flex; flex-direction: row;"
const title = document.createElement("h3")
const text = document.createElement("p") = "flex: .7; " = "flex: .2; text-align:right; padding-right: 10px"
title.textContent = item.ref
text.textContent = documents.filter(docItem => docItem.title === title.textContent)[0].text
You can download an entire copy of the repo here. A full working example is embeded at the top of the page, just enter any word found in the movie data and it should return a list of matches. Now it's important to note that what I covered here is just the bare minimum. There is so much more that can be done to customize the search and further enhance the user experience on your website and/or app. Hope this has helped!
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